Advertising the Toshiba Z830: The ultra thin Ultrabook.

Interactive touch responsive banners.

Full 360° views in the ad.


360° Banner Campaign

Briefcase iconThe Brief

Deliver an effective online advertising campaign that shows off the latest slimline laptops from Toshiba.

Challenge Accepted

Our ad campaign featured 360° views of the device and allowed viewers to take control through an intuitive user interface, rotating the device to take a longer look at the key features.

A lighter-than-air animation style was used throughout to emphasise just how lightweight the device really is.

We managed to fit all of this rich content into a small, fast-loading banner ad, ensuring maximum deliverability by using the latest development techniques and technical wizardry.

More case studies

Toshiba Z830 campaign landing page.
Toshiba Z830 campaign landing page.

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